
Filosofiaren sorrera, Ancient Greece


Rooms 18, 18a and 18b Greece: Parthenon
Room 19 Greece: Athens

Socrates, Platonen paisaia...

Greece: Parthenon (Room 18) 447 – 432 BC The Parthenon was built as a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. It was the centrepiece of an ambitious building programme on the Acropolis of Athens. The temple’s great size and lavish use of white marble was intended to show off the city’s power and wealth at the height of its empire.

Bideoa (6´) Playwright, author and British Museum trustee, Bonnie Greer celebrates the enduring beauty and humanity of the Parthenon Sculptures

Room 20 Greeks and Lycians

Socrates (469-399 BC) Greek, about 200 BC - AD 100 Said to be from Alexandria, Egypt is considered to be the intellectual father of modern Western philosophy.

Antisthenes (about 450-370 BC) came to be regarded as the founder of the Cynic school of philosophy.

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adibidez... Greziako gobernuak urteak daramatza British Museumari Partenoian zeuden marmolak bueltatzeko eskatzen. Museoak uko egin dio behin eta berriz eskakizun honi, eta momentuz, Erresuma Batuko gobernuak ez du ere onartu...

Museoko informazio orrietan azalpena aurkituko duzue... informatu, pentsatu eta atera zure ondorioak!!

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